Monday | Tuesday | Thursday | Friday:
Saturday: 11AM-5PM
Sunday: 11:30AM-5PM
By appointment only
224, St-Paul Street West
Montreal Quebec H2Y 1Z9
553, Pierre Caisse Street
St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Quebec J3A 1P1
Send us a message

Artist submission
Galerie Bloom is always on the lookout for the visual arts community. In constant evolution, we are interested in discovering particular talents, whatever the specialty (painter, sculptor, digital arts). Your work stands out and would be complementary to our current selection? We invite you to submit your portfolio by e-mail to the following address: info@galeriebloom.com Please specify “Artist Portfolio” followed by your name in the subject line of the email.
Your portfolio must contain::
- A link to your website and/or your “artist” social sites (ex: Facebook)
- Between 4 and 6 photos of your arwork (maximum 2mo per image, in JPG, PNG or PDF format)
- Your artist profile
- Your artistic approach
- A list of galleries that represent you
- A price list
All applications will be reviewed by our selection committee. We will contact the selected artists only.
We do not accept portfolios received by other means (e.g. mail, walk-ins, etc.). No records will be returned to the sender.
Thank you for considering Galerie Bloom and we wish you happiness and much success in your artistic career.